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Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Book Review (Understanding the Teaching of Listening and Speaking)

Name : Fakhri Muhammad Rabbani
NIM    : 14111330140
Method of teaching
Book Review (Understanding the Teaching of Listening and Speaking)
Summary of the book
Part I Understanding the Teaching of Listening Comprehension
Listening is a difficult skill in second language learning, the difficulties is caused by many factor varying from the different of sound between the second language learner’s first language and the second language he or she is learning, his or her lack vocabulary, his or her grammatical unawareness, to pragmatic differences between the two language. As we know that listening is tested in many proficiency test, such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, AND ALSO National Final Examination. There are three approaches in listening comprehension : first is bottom up: point of view looks the process of listening as the way to get information from the (listening) text, second is top-down approach, the schemata or background knowledge plays an important role in the listening process, and the last is interactive approach, based on this approach, the listening process consist of eight steps. Listening is not easy, understanding language is not simple, the process of acquiring that skill normally takes a lot of time. So that the  first chapter of the book present idea how to improve listening skill.
The book provide some suggestion to prepare student to face listening tests. However when the student face listening tests, they do not only depend on their skill, but they should also have a strategy in order to understand the test question. The book present strategies for facing listening test, and the strategies is divided two categories: the first one is before-test strategies. Before-test strategies refer to what teacher should do before student do the test. The teacher has to remain  the important of building student background knowledge of the test the issue of extensive listening, means that make the student realize and believe that practice makes perfect. They themselves should practice their listening skill not only in the class room, but also outside class room. segmentation in teaching listening, is aimed to identify words in connected speech in order to train student to use their knowledge of phonetics, and reading transcripts in listening practice. student may re-ride the transcripts and check unfamiliar words, so that students’ vocabulary will also increase. This will help student comprehend the text being learned or other text. And the second one is the while-test strategies, include using pictures, using multiple inputs, catching main idea, paying attention to voice changes, remembering specific information, interpreting, finding hidden meaning. Academic conversation, class discussion, academic talk, and lecturer. These while-test strategies can be effective if the learners apply the three approach he of listening comprehension.

Media dan langkah langkah pembelajaran


Vocabulary Building and Conversation
1.        Pendahuluan (10 menit)
a)      Guru membuka kelas dengan bacaan basmallah
b)      Guru memberikan seluruh siswa sebuah gambar, tiap siswa mendapat 1 gambar yang   berisi seseorang yang sedang bergaya aneh dan menarik
c)      Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa, jika dia menyebut nama dari salah satu siswa maka siswa itu harus mengikuti gaya aneh/menarik yang terdapat di gambar yang mereka terima
d)      Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiri
e)      Guru meminta siswa untuk focus mendengarkan nama yang disebutkan guru
f)       Guru menyebut nama-nama siswa, dan siswa yang disebut namanya harus melakukan gaya yang sesuai dengan gaya yang berada dalam gambar yang ia terima
g)      Guru menyuruh siswa memberikan tepuk tangan untuk semangat mereka dan kefokusan mereka mengikuti gaya dalam gambar
h)      Guru menyuruh siswa duduk kembali
2.        Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)

Contoh RPP English for Medicine

 Rencana Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (RKBM)
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kesehatan
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Mata Kuliah                : English for the Professional Nurse I (EPN I)
Kode MK                    : 0120423557
Bobot SKS                  : 2 SKS
Fakultas / Jurusan        : FIKES / S1 Keperwatan
Semester                      : III
Alokasi Waktu            : 2x50 menit
Pengajar                      : Fakhri Muahammad Rabbani (1411330140)

I.              Standar Kompetensi
Memahami dan mampu memberikan saran dan larangan kepada pasien

II.           Kompetensi Dasar
     Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan saran kepada pasien
     Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan larangan kepada pasien
III.        Indikator
     Mahasiswa dapat membuat percakapan yang terjadi ketika melayani seorang pasien
     Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan percakapan yang terjadi ketika melayani seorang pasien

IV.        Tujuan Pembelajaran
     Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memberikan instruksi atau saran sesuai dengan masalah kesehatan pasien.

V.           Materi Pembelajaran

Vocabulary :

Hazardous equipment


Useful Expressions : 
Explaining kind of expressions:

Speaking assesment


1.      Phone-pass Test
Test - taker (trough tielephone)
·      Read sentence
-          Dad, I’m sorry, I forgot to feed plecky.
-          Oh, ok never mind, but next time don’t forget.
-          Don’t mention it
-          I need some sugar for the cake and I’m too busy to go to market.
-          Sorry to trouble you, nut do you know where Anisa is?
·      Repeat sentence
-          Please accept my apology
-          Take your first right
-          Go straight up the street.
·      Answer question
-          What is your name?
-          What do you want to be?
-          Where were you born?
·      Arrange sentence
-          Do/you/how/spend/leisure time/your
-          I/sugar/some/need/the cake/for
·      Giving opinion
Are you interested in a sport?

1.      Direct Response Test
Please answer this question!
-          How do you spend your leisure time?
-          What do you do when you lose your way?

2.      Read Aloud Tasks
Read this sentence correctly!
My name is Edo, I live in Jalan Setia Budi. I was born on July. I want to be a teacher in junior high school. I spend my leisure time for studying at home.

3.      Sentence/dialogue completion
Fill the missing sentence in the dialogue below!
A: Good afternoon I’m Riky are you Zoro..?
B: Yes, please call me …………..
A: What is your full name?
B: ………………………..
A: Where were you born?
B: ………………………..
A: What do you want to be?
B: …………………………

4.      Picture cued tasks

Please make a short story based on the picture!

5.      Translation
Translate the dialogue below into English!
Diana lupa memberi makan anjing milik ayahnya Plecky, Ayah Diana kecewa.
Diana : Yah, saya minta maaf saya lupa memberi makan Plecky.
Ayah : Apa..? bagaimana kamu bisa lupa, ok... tidak apa-apa, tapi lain kali jangan sampai lupa.

1.      Question and answer
Answer the question below correctly!
a.       What is your full name?
b.      Where were you born?
c.       What do you want to be?
d.      Where is your home?
e.       How to get your home from this school?

2.       Giving instruction and direction
Response this instruction correctly!
-          Can you help me to find the library?
-          Do you happen to know where the bank is?
-          How to get your home from this school?

3.      Paraphrasing
My name is Edo, I live in Jalan setia Budi. I was born on May 32, 1993. My hobby is reading, and I want to be a teacher.  I have two brother and a sister. I love them so much. Every Sunday morning, I go to the lake with my father for fishing. My father’s hobby is fishing.
Please tell the paraphrases from the text above, and retell the text by your own style!                 

4.      Test of spoken English.
Please introduce yourself and give a detail information about yourself orally more than 5 minutes by using good pronunciation and correct sentences!

1.      Interview
Warm up:
·         What is your name?
·         What is your full name?
·         What is your father’s and mother’s name?
Level check:
·         When were you born?
·         Where were you born?
·         Where is your home?
·         Do you have brother or sister?
·         What is your hobby?
·         Why you like your hobby so much?
·         What do you do in your leisure time?
Wind down:
·     What did you get from this interview?

2.      Role play
Please make a short role play with your friend and the theme of role play, such as;
-          Introduction
-          Giving instruction
-          Apologize

3.      Discussion and conversation
-          Tell me about yourself in detail.
-          Tell me about the things that you like and give the reason!

4.      Games
Make two group and then group 1 and group 2 make a line! And the game is connecting word from the partner of the group and make it into a story!
5.      Oral proficiency test interview
Please, produce oral skill in a theme about introduction yourself or giving information about yourself.
6.      Oral presentation
Please, present an information about yourself in detail by using good sentence and excellent oral skill!
7.      Picture-cued storytelling

Tell story that this picture describe!

8.      Retelling a story, news event
Good afternoon all, allow me to introduce myself in a short time. My name is ahmad Sahlan. I was born in western Lampung on 12 August 1998. I now live in Bandar Lampung to continue my study in college. right now i stayed at my uncle's house near my college.Now allow me to introduce myself further. I love traveling , especially climbing the mountain , I like things that smell of adventure . until now I 've climbed more than 5 mountain with my friends , and it was very enjoyable.
Okay now about me and my family , I am one of the two brothers , I have a little sister , she still in high school , his name is eca tury. My father is a fisherman named Muhammad Mirza , and he is a good father . while my mother is a plain housewife , she is very kind to me always provide encouragement to me . I love my family more than anything .
Well that's my introduction this time. good afternoon all .
Pleased to meet you.
Retell the text above!
9.      Translation
Good afternoon friends. Thank you for the time, allow me here to introduce myself for a couple minutes. My complete name is Indra Herwawan, but you can call me Indra. I was born in Bandung, June 21st 1994. It was a long time and about eighteen years ago right?

I’m a very new person here because I just moved from Bandung to this capital city two days ago. When the first time live in Jakarta, I feel very hot but it has been a normal condition for me right now. In Bandung, I had a unique hobby that was speedcubing. It was a brain to play the Rubik’s cube faster and faster. Below is the picture of Rubik’s cube.

I also spend my time to play football and listening to the music when I get bored at home. But, when I live in Jakarta, I even have no idea to play football with my friends. Because, here I am a stranger and haven’t got friend yet. I live in Jl Kepulauan raya, West Jakarta. It’s approximately five kilometers from this school and I come here by bus.

Translate the text above into Indonesian!