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Jumat, 06 September 2013

Grammar translation method (GTM)

Grammar translation method is one of methods that used by many language teacher, at the first, grammar translation method used in the teaching classical language Latin and Greek, so that GTM also called Classical method. Grammar translation method is a result from combination two method, grammar method and translation method.
 At the grammar method student will learn and memorize about grammar rules, for example student are given tenses formula, and they will learn about simple present tense, past tense, and they must be able to apply the rule in the sentences, and the student also learn and memorize some vocabulary.
And the translation method contain activities translate reading passage, student are given  reading passage, and the teacher asks student to read few line from the passage and then the teacher asks the students to translate into their native language. Student can ask the teacher if they do not know the meaning of some word. And the student are given some question from the passage. And the teacher ask student to write their answer to the comprehension question which appear at the end of the excerpt. After some minutes the teacher ask student to stop and check their work, one by one each student reads a question and reads their answer. If it is correct the teacher instruct another student to reads the next question, if the answer incorrect the teacher select another student to supply the correct answer. Or the teacher herself give the right answer. And in this method student will learn some word from the passage, and they have to find out the meaning from each word in their native language, and the student are instructed to find out the opposite of these word.

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