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Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Jawaban Soal UAS Interpreting

1. Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting
2. Fidelity In Interpreting and Translation
3. Sequential model of translation and interpretation
4. Knowledge acquisition in interpretation and translation
5. how to Translate or Interpret literature
6. write down your Abstract on your mini research

1.        Simultaneous interpreting is the kind of interpretation when an interpreter translates the words of a speaker in a few seconds after he/ she says them. Special equipment and an interpreting booth are required for interpreters performing such interpretation. The majority of modern hotels and conference centres have such equipment, and if they don’t - it can be rented (we provide rental services of the said equipment).
    The above method of interpretation is used when a speaker does not want to stop speaking and wait for an interpreter to translate. In such a case the interpretation is heard only by those event participants who have headsets.
   consecutive interpreting, an interpreter starts to translate when a speaker pauses. An interpreter stands or sits beside a speaker, listens to what he/ she says and writes down certain comments or essential things, and then interprets in separate parts when a speaker pauses and waits.
      Such method of interpretation is used in cases when there is sufficient time. It is important to know that in such a case all listeners listening to consecutive interpreting and a speaker listens to the same text twice, thus this method of interpretation takes twice as much time as compared to “whispering” or simultaneous interpreting, because a speaker has to pause from time to time allowing an interpreter to translate what has been said.
2.       Fidelity In Interpreting and Translation
o   Given the same elementary informational message in non-verbal form, individuals tend to give it different verbal expression. Moreover, when asked to reformulate the same message after even a short time, they tend to give it a different second verbal expression
o   These differences are at least partially uncontrolled, that is, they do not result from the sender’s deliberate choices.
o   Differences in the wording of the message also result in differences in the information the statement carry.
o   When reading a text or listening to a speech, translators do not necessarily identify the massage and all the framing information. Linguistically induced information, and personal information. When producing their own target text, they are often aware of framing information and linguistically induced information they introduce.
o   When translating informational texts, the message should always be faithfully reformulated in the target language. As for secondary information, it should only be reformulated in the target language without any change if this does not interfere too severely with the impact of the target text on the receiver.

Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

My Research Proposal

A.      Research Background
          Communication skills or speaking skill is a big part of learning a language, speaking is the one of two productive skill besides writing, Speaking is an important skill, it is as bridge that connect people talking the same language. Speaking help people to express their thought, idea, feeling, and emotion to other. As stated by Dorgham (2011: 1) that speaking skill has vital role in communication process, and with improving speaking skill help us creating an effective connection among the individual society. And Barras, (2006: 1) also states that “good communication skill are needed in everyday life, in study at college or university, and in any career based on such studies.”
After spent twelve years at school, and then entering the higher education, many student still have poor communication skill, they unable to express their thoughts clearly and effectively in their own language. However the most of student usually get difficulties in the study of speaking, because when someone study about speaking, he not only study about speaking itself, but also there are the other areas and disciplines which is related, such as pragmatics ethnography, syntax, semantic, etc. As stated by Hughes (2011: 6), one of the central difficulties inherent in the study of speaking is that it overlaps with a considerable number of other areas and disciplines.
To practice speaking is therefore a central part of English lessons in schools today. But there some problem that face by student when they speak in foreign language. Lejla Basic (2011: 1) states that “to make students speak the target language is not always easy and there can be several different reasons why this is the case.”  As (BBC, 2006: 1) Confidence is a very important element in learning to speak a language. Many learners worry that they are going to make a mistake, or that the people listening will not understand them.
There are many study which is related with speaking area, and the writer will divide the study into three side, the first is a study about difficulties in speaking, and the second is study about strategy in teaching and learning speaking, and the third is study about public speaking. The first side is about difficulties in speaking. The first, is study by Khairi Izwan Abdullah & Nurul Lina Bt Abdul Rahman (2009), Chia-Hui Cheng (2009), Lejla Basic (2011), And study by Sarah Osboe, Tomoko Fujimura & Rob Hirschel (2007). The second side in the research of speaking discussed the strategy in teaching speaking. The research in the strategy in teaching speaking was written by Widyawati, (2013), Surtikanti (2011), Maarif (2014), Ismuwardani, (2014), Rianjani, (2014), Sumini, (2014), Frista Sukma, (2012). The third side in the research of speaking is discussed about method in teaching speaking. The research in the method in teaching speaking was written by Amrizal (2014), and Titi (2014).